Drivers Multi Channel Systems Mcs

Interested in developing your custom software solutions to interact with MCS products? Check out our GitHub repository with free and open source code samples! For older versions of our software please contact our support. The MCS-64 is s state-of-the-art multi-channel A/D for both static and dynamic weighing tasks which can provide up to 64 weighing channels in one system. Available in 3 versions for automatic weighing, fluid filling and loss in weight.

  1. Drivers Multi Channel Systems Mcshay
  2. Drivers Multi Channel Systems Mcsally
Multi Channel Experimenter: The powerful online tool

The Multi Channel Experimenter facilitates data acquisition and online analysis.

Drivers multi channel systems mcsally

Currently, it supports all MEA2100-Systems as well as the Wireless-Systems. We are working on adding our other systems as well.


The interface offers all available instruments and you can simply drag-and-drop and combine them to build your experiment. Thereby, you can record the raw data, filtered data, digital events, and detected spikes. Moreover, the program allows you to define the settings of the stimulus generator.

Settings of the Stimulator in the Multi Channel Experimenter

Stimulation of cell cultures or tissue has never been easier. Most of the recording systems from Multi Channel Systems have an integrated stimulator, which is recognized by the software. You can then select any electrode on the MEA for stimulation. Defining the stimulus patterns is quick and easy. You can either use the pre-set patterns (sine wave, ramp, rectangular) or upload a biological signal to be used as stimulation pattern.

The optical or electrical stimulation patterns for the Wireless-System are also defined from within the same software tool.

Drivers Multi Channel Systems Mcshay

Multi Channel Analyzer: The reliable tool for offline analysis

In-depth analysis of recorded data is an essential step in the experiment, which should be made as easy as possible. The intuitive interface of the Multi Channel Analyzer facilitates the thorough analysis of data previously recorded with the Multi Channel Experimenter. It provides the same easy-to-use drag and drop interface like the Multi Channel Experimenter.

The Multi Channel Analyzer supports synchronized video input. This is an advantageous feature when doing behavioral research with freely moving animals. The video data and electrophysiological recordings are displayed in parallel and you can easily skip through the data from one event to the next.

If the provided instruments (spike sorter, various filters, etc) are not enough, you can also program your own custom plug-in. With instructions from Multi Channel Systems and basic programming skills, you can progam an analysis tool that excatly fits your needs.

Drivers multi channel systems mcshaneChannel
Multi Channel DataManager: Versatile tool for data convertion

Drivers Multi Channel Systems Mcsally

The Multi Channel DataManager facilitates the data export for analysis with third-party programs. It supports all files generated with MCS software (Multi Channel Experimenter, MC_Rack and Multiwell-Screen).

The program then exports the data into:

  • HDF5 format for anaylsis in Matlab, Python and other applications
  • .nex format for analysis in Neuroexplorer
  • .ced format for analysis in Spike 2 format

Independent of the file format, the export is done quickly and a data compression is included.

Until then, feel free to explore the code base, build on it and happy hacking!